Below are answers to some Frequently Asked Questions…
How much does a logo cost?
The fee varies, on a project-by-project basis.
The quickest way to find out if the quiporange logo design service fee matches your budget is to contact us and have a chat. It only takes a click!
Can I get help with writing my brief?
Yes, quiporange can certainly help you with producing a brief. Give us a clear description of what you hope to achieve and we can take it from there.
What is a good logo? How do I know if I am getting a good logo?
A good logo is an easily recognisable mark. One that is memorable scale-able, and is workable in black and white as well as in colour. A good logo that works, can positively summarise your brand.
Why do you only design logos?
Designing logos is a passion at quiporange. I’ve decided to focus all of my talent on designing memorable distinctive simple enduring logos. I solely design fragrance logos that help my clients’ brands resonate with their customers.
My industry is (x), can you design me a logo?
No. quiporange specialises in logos for fragrances.
What if you don’t give me what I want?
At quiporange our role serves as more of a partner in your experience rather than an order taker on your logo design service journey. We will discuss what you want, and more effectively, what your business needs, in our collaboration process. We will also work out at this stage whether we are a good fit.
Do I have to pay upfront before the start of a project?
Yes, You pay 50% of the fee before the project starts.
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